Sunday, February 4, 2007

Farewell to Beqa

February 1, 2007

I write this post from the forward cabin of a 50 foot cabin cruiser as we pitch in the waves, headed back from my paradise island of Beqa to what Fijians refer to curiously as “the mainland,” that being Vita Levu, the largest island in the Fijian group, and a pretty sizable chunk of real estate at that – 10,400 sq kilometers, or about one Connecticut, give or take a Rhode Island (which long time readers will recall are the official units of land measure of the Walkabout blog).

I needn’t have left today. I have two nights remaining in Fiji before heading on to the Cook Islands. I had considered extending at Beqa for the duration. That would allow me to do a few more dives, including the much anticipated “Really Nasty Shark Encounter” in which they oddly enough try to lure sharks in the for the amusement of the divers, or perhaps I have it backwards. Staying had other attractions. I had made some good friends among the other Americans staying on Beqa. They were feeding me well. It was almost like being at home, pleasant and comfortable. I have to admit to a touch of tear in my eye as my boat pulled away and the entire staff assembled on the beach to sing the traditional Fijian song of farewell – “Lo sega vinaka. Ni vosota sara. O cei na yacamuni…,” – which I believe translates roughly as “Farewell dear guest. Thanks for the generous tips, though we think you could have done better. We can’t seem to find your beach towel, but no worries. We have your Visa account number…”

Yes, your globetrotting correspondent felt the lure of the sedentary life, of simple domestic comforts, and familiar faces, of a shower that I had finally figured out how to balance between arctic and scalding. Like Ulysses on his Odyssey I felt pulled in by the siren song of the lotus eaters, to travel no more. Fortunately, before being turned into a donkey (Have I confused several different stories here, including Pinnochio? My zero research policy does have its drawbacks) I recalled in the nick of time Walkabout’s mission: to boldly go where Walkabout has not gone before. Like Captain James Kirk of the Starship Enterprise (or more aptly his prototype Captain James Cook of HMS Endeavour, who explored the Pacific) my mission is to seek out new life forms, befriend them, and move on before my series is cancelled. My mission still awaited me. And like the shark, I must keep moving or die. I, a lonely predator of the deep (OK, this analogy is going seriously astray, but you get the idea). So I made a two night booking for Beachcombers Island, in Fiji’s supposed-to-be-lovely Marmaduke chain (off the shores of Dilbert and in sight of the far flung isles of Langerhans). Beachcombers is reputed to be a nice little spot for windsurfing, sailing, parasailing, parasurfing or parakeeting, I’m not sure which. But in any case I’m off to new adventures. Stay tuned.

Your faithful correspondent,

Walkabout Dave

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow Walkabout, Diving sounds neat. I find my bathtub a challenge. A diver friend of mine told me how to deal with the sharks. Remove your air cylinder and push it down the charging sharks mouth. Then take that otherwise useless knife and pound off the air cylinders neck. Now you saw the end of Jaws, so you know what happend next. When you return to your boat (and I wouls suggest getting a bigger boat) you can have them take you back to the gear shop and you can add a new air cylinder to your shopping list.