Monday, February 12, 2007

Anybody out there? Hello? Hello?

February 12, 2007

Judging from the dearth of commentary on these postings, I have come to the reluctant conclusion that most of my “readership” is functionally illiterate. I can see you now, phonetically sounding out the words of this post in a vain search for references to hot turtle action. Let me enlighten you. This blog does not exist for your prurient amusement. It exists for my prurient amusement. More fundamentally, turtles are reptiles and – hence – cold blooded. Any photos which may or may not appear on this blog of turtle afternoon delights will accurately depict them at ambient temperatures.

Remember, dear friends, reading is not a spectator sport! Well, actually I suppose it is, but blogging is not. You lurkers out there (you know who you are, no use hiding under your keyboards) certainly have worthy thoughts to share. Perhaps they are not as worthy as mine, but it would be nice to hear what they are so that I can mock them.

For the record, I am now on the third day of my bicycling tour through the South Island of New Zealand. Having a splendid time and you can count on me to report fully at a later date.

Your faithful correspondent,

Walkabout Dave


Anonymous said...

A bit busy, but I decided to see if your blogspot actually worked. I see that it does.

All the best, and, what ever you do, to paraphrase one of my favorite claymation characters, "Do not let the bounce go out of your bunge."


Anonymous said...

Walkabout, While I try to post more comments I keep running into technical difficulties. I called tech support near where you seem to be heading (India?) and they found the problem to be fat fingers and little brain. Too bad, I had a great one on sharks involving bigger boats, exploding your air tank in the sharks mouth and swimming back on a piece of shattered wood, which never posted.

Now on to the bike, do you have a pimped up ride, or is it a local cruiser. How are your personal bio-mechanics adjusting to the pace ie. better than hiking through the jungle. I ask as I am preparing to join a good friend for a ride on the other side from my area of the world in under a month. Given the freezing temperatures of my area and my mind overtaking motivation, I fear pain might over take the brain. Any tips or motivational thoughts for mear mortals like myself?

Anonymous said...


Are you implying that all those years with “Hooked on Phonics” were wasted? Since a readership is demanded, I thought I’d throw my hat into the blog. I can link you to some other bloggers I know, 2-4 – if you’d be interested.

How much longer on the Mid-Life Grand Tour?

By the way, the blogs a fun read.

Luddite said...

How about you confront your fear of full time employment here in the good ol' US of A?

Nah, that'd be too scary, even for Count Floyd.

Glad to hear you are "'Witzing" it so successfully. If you find out about the trout fishing, sign me up.

Yours in icy CT, TPB.

the boo said...

I was about to write you - not that you deserve it. I found an exciting little tidbit about New Zealand off the ever-informative Woot News:

WELLINGTON, New Zealand - A male lawyer who appeared in court dressed in women's clothes as a protest against what he said was New Zealand's overly-masculine judiciary was suspended Wednesday after being found to be in contempt of court.

Maybe you could check it out.