Friday, January 12, 2007

Walkabout Dave rearranges time and space

Kathy and I arrived in Lima last night from Ecuador. I am now officially one country behind in my blogging, having failed to report on five full days of fun and adventure in the Quito area, and still not having finished with the Galapagos. I get most of my quality blogging done in airports and on planes and have only had short hops of late. Accordingly, I am officially re-sequencing my trip to move the Quito stop to the last week of January when I will be on planes for a few days to the South Pacific. If this license seems improper, I refer you to Blog Rule #1 (“It’s MY blog and I can do what I want”). Fear not – I have a few notes and can just make up the rest.

It is our first morning here in Lima, which our guide book describes as an “unlovely” city, and I find nothing to contradict them. We are here just for today and tonight, leaving tomorrow for the Amazon. I already have one major accomplishment though from my time in Peru. I have confirmed that the lima bean really is from Lima (my soup last night was full of them). They are an unlovely vegetable.

Your faithful correspondent,

Walkabout Dave


Anonymous said...

Hola David (Davido?)! Your Larchmont kin have just discovered your blog, and are finding it immensely entertaining -- not to mention educational (?). Keep up the good work! We all miss you.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your updates walk about. I missed your blog for a couple of days and was relieved you did not fall into the center of a volcano.

Keep the wind at your back