Monday, January 1, 2007

A journey of 20,000 miles begins with a journey of 1,000 miles

Greetings, and a Happy and Healthy New Year to you all.

Kathy and I are now on our way, more or less. We are waiting in the Atlanta airport for our flight to Quito to be called. As the saying goes, I don’t know if when I die I’m going to heaven or hell, but I’m sure I’ll change planes in Atlanta.

There’s our flight. More later.

HELLO 2007!

-- Walkabout Dave


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

A little late to comment on the blog name - it's great! and if you add something in a subtitle with the word "travel" in it - you'll come up when people google travel. This could get you some interesting readers.

Have fun!
