Sunday, December 31, 2006

A Trial Post

This is a trial post for my new blog. Tomorrow, January 1st, I set off for three months on the trip of a lifetime. More on that anon. For the present, I just want to master the technology of blogging, which is quite new to me.

For any readers (blogees? blogosites? blogistas?) of this, any thoughts on the name of the blog site? I posted that up without much thought, but it occurs to me it may be the most critical decision of this whole venture -- the cornerstone, the mission statement, the genesis moment on which all depends. Or not.

Walkabout refers to the Australian aboriginal practice of young tribe members of going off on a journey of discovery, a spirit quest if you will, testing themselves and searching their inner essence for their life's purpose and direction. At least that is what I gather from having seen the Peter Weir film of the same name. A masterpiece which I highly recommend. I may be wrong about the exact meaning of walkabout and I suppose it merits a little internet research, but if it means what I think it means it means exactly what I mean. And, as the red queen more or less said, when I use a word it damn well better mean what I want it to mean.

Enough for now, I really only intended to test the technology.

Your faithful correspondent,

-- Walkabout Dave


Solesister said...

Blog looks great... Save a spot in nirvana for me.
Have a wonderful time.
In the words of [unknown]: Everything turns out okay in the end. If things aren't okay, it's not the end.
love you,

the boo said...

hey, my firstest ever comment.
i should say something smart.
oh well.